Home > Dream Homes > Laurel Way by Whipple Russell Architects

Laurel Way by Whipple Russell Architects

By Magaly Grosso


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Laurel Way is a private residence designed by Whipple Russell Architects and it is located in Beverly Hills, California, USA.

The spacious residence boasts of 6 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, and spectacular views over its surroundings.

Laurel Way by Whipple Russell Architects:

“One aesthetic idea driving the creation of Laurel Way was that each room or space should be a jewel box, an individually conceived, precisely functional and dramatic sensory experience with its own depth of architecture. Central to the composition are many of Marc Whipple’s signature elements, one being the use of texture; smooth next to rough stone, rich wooden panels against glass, and glass reflecting water. The immediate experience upon entering the house is its inherent weightlessness – the sense that the walls appear to float as panels and you are always connected to the outdoors. This is achieved with adherence to precise symmetry of beams, support panels, tiles, and sightlines, and also that walls do not meet the ceilings – a one-half inch gap is left that helps achieve the effect.

These elements play up the horizontals and verticals of the house while movement and curves come from the three tiers of greenery and two water channels that surround the house giving it the look of an island floating against the blue California sky. The moat-like water surround is more than an artistic inspiration; it adds the feeling of a protective secure boundary without obstructing the views in any way. It also provides an innovative water feature visible from the interior while adding a highly dramatic dynamic to the entire design.”

Photos courtesy of Whipple Russell Architects

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About Magaly Grosso

Magaly Grosso was born in Venezuela where she grew up and studied Advertising and Marketing. With time, she realized that what she truly wanted to dedicate herself to was Interior Design, which is why she decided to study it and devote herself to it. Learn more about HomeDSGN's Editorial Process.

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