Band House is a private home located in San Isidro, an upscale district of Lima, Peru.
The 9,149-square-foot home was designed by Cynthia Seinfield in 2012.
Band House by Cynthia Seinfield:
“The house comes from generating a central open space, an entry courtyard surrounding the other rooms in the house, which are generated via a band that goes along this central space.
The band organizes the interior of the house, creating a spatial sequence at all three levels, with the vertical circulation of this sequence. This sequence culminates with a screening of the bedroom, and flown volume overlooking the garden.
The service areas are managed in the first level as loose volumes and other materials are used to work on them to demonstrate their condition.
In the rear boundary of the land lays a high-rise building, so that spaces facing the garden are projected with a side view to allow these to maintain their privacy.”

Photos by: Jannet Arevalo