Often when we see residences and homes that are heavy on wooden decor, we think of cottages, lodges, and beautifully rustic chic aesthetics. Every once in a while, however, a contemporary designer comes along and changes things up, putting a twist on rich wooden features that comes off modern above all else.
At this point, we’d like to introduce you to The Hermitage! This gorgeous home is a private residence that was renovated and given a complete style updated by architects and designers Refuge in 2015. Located in Megève, France, this home achieves a level of wooden modernity that’s such a unique and interesting contrast that it almost borders on reverting into a vintage 70s aesthetic. The inclusion of rust oranges and olive greens in the decor, for example, sets a colour tone that keeps things from looking too modern. The streamlined designs, rounded wall cutouts, and contemporarily shaped furniture, however, pull the style out of the “vintage” category and give the space a feeling of brand new opportunity.
The most obvious thing you’ll notice when you walk through the doors is clearly the inclusion of shining finished wood. This home features rich wood and wooden paneling on the floor, up the door jams, across the sealing, and down some complete walls. Between the rustic colours and the emphasis on wooden detail, the decor borders on retro in its contemporary shaping.
Perhaps our very favourite features of the house, however, are the little whimsical details that you’ll find in the simple furniture and decor (and that would be the easiest pieces to feature in your own house)! Firstly, there’s a clear plastic rope swing hanging in one corner of the living room, giving kids or fun loving adults a spot to relax in a unique and fun way. We sure don’t know many people who can wind down with a good swinging session right in their living room! Secondly, we can’t get over how fantastic the knitted floor cushions are. Besides providing visitors with an alternative comfort option, they’re a great chance for DIY because they’re easily made with simple arm knitting!
Photos by: Sebastien es Veronese