This coastal villa is located in the town near a highway on the eastern coast of Chennai, the capital of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu—one of the biggest cultural, economic, and educational centers in southern India—off the Bay of Bengal. It was designed by architectural firm Inventarchitects, placed under the direct supervision of D. Vivek Kumar and R. Nanda Devi. It was designed in 2017 and covers a total area of 544 square meters.
The client had a number of different requirements by which the villa had to abide. These included items such as being able to enjoy both semi-private and private spaces, as well as employing the sea’s breeze without necessarily having direct access to the beaches.
In order to achieve this, a design was created that consisted of a solid plane that protects the residence from the southern heat, while the western face contains the villa’s private spaces—namely, the bedrooms. The remainder of the villa is divided into different spaces, which include semi-private spaces.
The design and location of the villa’s pool was an important aspect of the general design of the residence, as this provides a stimulating experience for the occupant, who has views of the beach area which can be seen from the pool itself, or from the adjacent roofed area.