This modern café is located in the city of Maemachi Chuo-ku Hyogo, in Japan, an area where there are still many old, Western-style buildings which has a very striking and exotic atmosphere. The building where the cafe is located is not an old Western-style building, but it is designed to look like one. Blue Bottle Coffee Kobe Cafe has a high ceiling and ample storage space on the ground floor, located between high fashion brands stores.
The space of 214 square meters was designed by the architectural firm Jo Nagasaka + Schemata Architects, led by the architecture professional Masami Nakata in 2018.
The purpose of the design was to maximize the feeling of spaciousness by building a simple island-style structure where coffee functions are concentrated and seeking to counteract the exotic atmosphere of the area with a simple but distinctive style.
With an industrial style where we can see exposed pipes in the concrete ceiling and simple furniture in light wood, the space invites us to enjoy its simple decoration.