This residence is located on a farm near Alma, Kansas, USA. Its design has been created to house a family of five members and their possible guests in an area of 5600.0 ft2. Alma is known as the “Native Stone Town”, and the walls of the fireplace and landscape are built in limestone from a nearby quarry. The residence is no different than the rest of the buildings on the farm, wood structures and roofs of sheet and limestone bases that extends in long horizontal lines.
It was designed by the architectural firm El Dorado by the hand of David Dowell and Sean Slattery in 2015.
Its magnificent location allows those who live there to enjoy the wonderful landscapes of wide green fields where the horizon is nearly endless.
Its interior, beautifully decorated have wooden floors as well as glass walls and a beautiful fireplace that gives warmth in the winter days and invites to enjoy with family.
The swimming pool area with beautiful stone walls looks very warm and cozy and it is furnished.
The living/dining area and kitchen area have a wooden V-shaped ceiling that still accentuates the feeling of home that emanates from every corner of this house.