This stunning private residence was designed by the Italian interior design firm Cristiana Vannini, based in Milan. The project consisted of the apartment’s renovation as well as a complete revamping of its interior design. The home is located in Milan, Italy.

The interior design of the living and dining rooms is exquisite. The canvas is creamy white walls and rich wooden floors, with large French doors that allow an abundant flow of natural light to seep into the interior space and illuminate all corners of it. Stylishly chosen decorative accessories add personality and character to the interior, telling a story of who might live there while creating a space that feels alive on its own. Works of art dot walls and table tops, adding to the interior’s sense of sophistication while keeping the decoration interesting.

The kitchen is unique in its design – electric blue cabinets against white walls and a white countertop, creating a strong contrast with a pop of color that serves to keep things fun and interesting, while maintaining the same level of elegance as in the living and dining rooms. The colorful floor tiles continue this trend.

The bedrooms keep this sense of fun and sophistication alive in the most private areas of the home, while also maintaining a balance with the serenity necessary for a restful night’s sleep.