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Unique Construction Designed by HYLA Architects

By Magaly Grosso


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The unique name of this house – Surprising Seclusion – is given by the fact that, both in the front and in the back, with busy streets and alongside an old house, this house looks inward. It is located in Binchang Rise, Singapore and has an area of 360 square meters. It was designed in the year 2017 by the architects Han Loke Kwang, Chong Wen Jin and Thomas Ong professionals of the architecture firm HYLA Architects. A covered three-volume but naturally ventilated court with a pool becomes the focus of the internal space.

Front view of the entrance

On the side, a sculptural staircase slides from the wall to reach the family room on the second level. The journey continues up another staircase with a stepped planter on the side and illuminated from above.

Modern and elegant interior
Open dining room area
Modern dining room and kitchen in black and white

The entire house is finished in concrete with no shape and gray-faced brick. The main bathroom continues with this theme, with brick openings that allow ventilation but not views. This bathroom, as well as the attic bathroom, has planting areas that offer a green contrast to the gray scheme. The custom storage units in the living room, family and study echo the concrete and brick geometry of the house.

Stairs with gray brick walls
Open stairs with high ceilings
Stairs with planters
study area with bookcase
Study furniture details
Bathroom with interior garden
Modern bathtub in white
Shower area with flower pot

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About Magaly Grosso

Magaly Grosso was born in Venezuela where she grew up and studied Advertising and Marketing. With time, she realized that what she truly wanted to dedicate herself to was Interior Design, which is why she decided to study it and devote herself to it. Learn more about HomeDSGN's Editorial Process.

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