Home > Houses > Wooden Clad House on a Hillside of Mount Wellington in Australia

Wooden Clad House on a Hillside of Mount Wellington in Australia

By Magaly Grosso


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The Little Big House is located on the eastern slope of Mount Wellington in Australia, 450 meters above sea level, within a wooded landscape. During the cold months of winter, this is delicately covered in a beautiful show of glistening snow.

House on the hillside surrounded by greenery

It was designed in 2010 by the architectural firm Room11 Architects with the help of its professionals Megan Baynes and Thomas Bailey and has an area of 160 square meters.

View of the house at the top of the hill
Side view with wooden clad walls
Side entrance with stone path

It was constructed to be in the shape of a box. A clean volume with two exceptions; a service core and an air lock input. The walls, floors and ceilings in the main space are treated uniformly, in white, to create a simple light interior. The entrance, kitchen and bathroom spaces are designed in small sizes and finished in black, in contrast to the larger white volume.

The house is designed to be intensely private. Given the cool climate, the house has two essential strategies: keeping warm and finding light.

The Little Big House is lined with vertical unfinished woods that continue the traditions of local construction in southern Tasmania.

Each piece of wood is handmade to guarantee longevity.

Interior of living room with retro style
Living room with glass walls
Living room with fireplace
Exterior view of the house covered in snow
Exterior view of the house covered in snow

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About Magaly Grosso

Magaly Grosso was born in Venezuela where she grew up and studied Advertising and Marketing. With time, she realized that what she truly wanted to dedicate herself to was Interior Design, which is why she decided to study it and devote herself to it. Learn more about HomeDSGN's Editorial Process.

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