When it comes to sleek, angular home architecture, Japan is certainly the place to look for inspiration. Countless homes across the country feature beautifully streamlined decor schemes and both interior and exterior designs. NT House, for example, is a veritable poster home for the kind of clean, angular aesthetic that immediately jumps to our minds when we think “modern living”.
When design company Baqueratta began to customize this residence, they certainly made it a priority to take advantage of all the space they had available and the result is stunning. Each room expands in every direction, including upwards, giving off a feeling of light, air, and room to move. The wide spaces also, however, make each area of the home seem very clean and organized thanks to the linear shapes in each shelving unit, countertop, and table. Each piece has been strategically placed so that there is room between sections or the home and pieces of furniture in order to avoid the look or feeling of being overcrowded.
Contributing to the uniquely modern aesthetic is the colour scheme chosen by the design team. Firstly, the scheme is consistent throughout the entire home rather than varying from room to room. This is strangely comforting as you move between spaces to encounter the same lovely chicness throughout the whole house. Secondly, the colour scheme is quite dark. It’s not, however, plain jet black, which might darken each room and make the home feel unwelcoming. Instead, inviting shades of grey are used to give the very sleek angles of the home a clean, warm vibe.
Perhaps the most appealing part of the home, however, is the walls in rooms that face the outside of the house. Rather than solid walls with windows, Bagueratta went for a bright, open concept and installed made of windows instead! These window walls extend from floor to ceiling, opening up the rooms to the sunshine and the world outside, if and when the residents choose to. Imagine how bright and cheerful each room will feel on a sunny day, no matter the temperature!
Photos by: Yasunori Shimomura