This 110-square-meter apartment, designed by architects Ashot Snkhchyan, Armine Snkhchyan and Hayk Zalibekyan, working for the firm snkh studio, in 2018, is located in the lively neighborhood of Yerevan – Cascade, Armenia. It is a firmly neoclassical building from a decidedly Stalinist era.

The first floor is strangely small since it occupies only half of the original apartment that was divided into two parts. There is only the entrance area, the bathroom and the bedroom, which creates a kind of inverted functional scheme, where the active part of the apartment is on the top floor, under the sloping roof. A small balcony of the room is the only point that overlooks the Cascade, where during the warm days there are many open-air concerts. The client wanted a room that could be easily prepared in order to accommodate friends and enjoy the concerts.

The second floor consists of three parts: the main “public space”, the terrace and a room that has a mood completely different from the rest of the apartment. It houses an art collection, TV, and a poker table, as well as many antique rugs on the floor and the room also serves as a guest bedroom. One of the main ideas of the project was to make it possible to merge the terrace, the public space and the room into a space, to create many use scenarios.
The cement floor, the plywood and the bright colors are the main accents of this project.